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Plants for Peace forging ahead

Plants for Peace team has two new recruits, sisters Margaret and Joan. They helped out in Goulburn this week with the plants that are in transit to South Coast.  Together with Rita, they sorted, counted and identified as well as pruned and re-potted those that needed some TLC.  Margaret and Joan have good plant knowledge and were able to identity some that I was not sure of. 

We are grateful to Michael who is now doing regular trips between Sydney and Goulburn and liaising with Mahesh to bringing a load of plants with each trip. 

The community of Moruya are awaiting our next delivery as they already have plans in place to take the plants on to surrounding communities.

Another exciting development is our new collaboration with Foundation for National Parks to source and deliver site-specific plants to areas where needed.  

Margaret documenting and Joan pruning.

Annual General Meeting 2021

2pm on 23rd May 2021

To be held on-line.

Join by phone‪ (AU) +61 3 8594 9946‬ PIN: ‪768 561 055‬#

More phone numbers

Members are invited to attend the 2021 AGM of International Volunteers for Peace Inc.  You do not need to register to attend.  The formal requirements are acceptance of minutes of the last AGM and the 2020 finance, followed by reports from office holders in the present committee (available beforehand through the website) and Elections for the new Committee. 

There will be opportunities to put your thoughts or queries to the outgoing committee. If you wish to express an interest in becoming more involved in IVP please put your name forward for the new committee either at the meeting, or contact me on  

The Peace Fair later in the year; and the prospect of revival of volunteer projects post-lockdown gives an opportunity to shape IVPs progress over next months.  IVP in its eventful years of existence has affected the lives of many Australians who have come in contact with it – at one of the actions close to home, or as volunteers placed at workcamps overseas. We warmly welcome reconnection with workcamp volunteers, or activists from earlier days. It might be too that you now have time or opportunity to resume the journey or encourage others to set out.

In peace

Stephen Horn

For the 2020 IVP Committee