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​ Sustainable Food Production training in India, 16-25 Nov 2018

IVP offers an opportunity for one of our members to take part in a training in Sustainable Food Production to take place in Kundapur, India from 16-25 November.


Cost of flights will be covered for suitable applicant.

During the training participants will produce a DESIGN and ACTION PLAN which they will implement during the 9 months follow up period. During this period they will be expected to participate in regular (every 4-5 weeks) online meetings. They will also receive Modules/ Information Packs and an assignment each month. There will be feedback, question time, review and reporting of progress and challenges.

Candidate must have a confirmed location to implement their project (school garden, community garden, kitchen garden, small plot).  They must be able to follow up with on-line modules and carry out impact assessment with the support of IVP.

For more details, contact Rita Warleigh:  +61450900276

Sustainable food production 

During the training participants will produce a DESIGN and ACTION PLAN which they will implement during the 9 months follow up period. During this period they will be expected to participate in regular (every 4-5 weeks) online meetings. They will also receive Modules/ Information Packs and an assignment each month. There will be feedback, question time, review and reporting of progress and challenges.

We are looking for a candidate who:

– has a confirmed location to implement their design (school garden, community garden, kitchen garden, local food project, small plot, etc)

– can follow through with support of IVP

– has access to Internet to attend online meeting every four to five weeks

– can do the requested assignments



This two-year project unites formal and non-formal education through the work with the Technological University of Santa Fe, Argentina and cooperation with Universities for visibility events and Impact measurement correlation.  It will involve 33 IVS organisations from 28 countries in 5 regions.  It engages volunteers with local communities to work on grassroots projects that combine manual work and awareness raising actions to address issues such as: climate change, carbon offset, environmental sustainability, protection of ecosystems, water and soil management and conservation. (more detail available).


The aims & objectives of this project are:

 To develop IVS organisations’ youth workers and trainers capacity of acting as

multipliers in their regions and in their organisations

 To raise awareness of the work of the IVS network on Climate Justice and towards the

attainment of the SDGs through providing spaces and data for visibility and networking

on an international & local level


Volunteering to create a network of knowledge through ecological & sustainable practice.

As part of the International Voluntary Service (IVS) movement, we consider climate justice as an inevitable brick in building a sustainable future and creating a just and fair society. Our members, projects and activities stretch across the globe, uniting people of all ages and backgrounds. IVS projects and activities are a powerful tool to support local communities worldwide and allow reallocation of resources and capacities. By taking active steps against climate change and demonstrating solidarity with most vulnerable population groups and peoples, we assume our responsibility in the global sustainability challenge and seek to do our part in attaining climate justice.


Join the IVS for Climate Justice Programme – Organise a Climate Justice Workcamp!

Dear Friends,


We are happy to share that this year we are launching the new common call for projects focusing on Climate Justice.

A simple way for the IVS movement to raise awareness about our work is to showcase the projects we do very well. As such we invite you to choose one of your best practice camps related to environment / sustainability / climate justice / climate change and join this workcamp to the IVS for Climate Justice annual campaign for 2018!


You can read all about the work of the IVS movement for Climate Justice on this page:


To find out more about how you can add your workcamps to the comon campaign – read the document attached to this email.


Best wishes



CCIVS Director

NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee Vice President for Youth and Public Relations

1, rue Miollis
75015 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 45684936


Twitter @ccivs_volunteer  @raising_peace